Almost certainly, either you or a loved one has been impacted by Colorado’s housing shortage and affordability crisis. Whether you’ve struggled to find housing that fits your budget or have experienced getting outbid when buying a home, we’ve all felt the consequences of low housing supplies. 

Coloradans are hardworking, and still, the cost of buying or renting a home is out of reach. Even though many people and families in Colorado work full-time or, in some cases, multiple jobs, they still cannot afford to live close to work or near their families. That is why Colorado Builds Better is proud to work on
SB23-213, which will create opportunities for Colorado to increase units that are more affordable and closer to the places folks live, work, and recreate in.

Regardless of which stage of life you are in, housing affordability is a win for everyone. Aging parents or grandparents, people with low incomes or fixed budgets, young people wanting to live on their own, new families looking to plant roots, first-time homebuyers, and our neighbors with disabilities. To turn this housing shortage and affordability crisis around, we need homes that meet the needs of all budgets and lifestyles. 

To return the housing market to a functioning level and decrease housing prices, the state needs an extra 36,305 units, for a total of 486,735 units between now and 2030— that means we need to almost double the number of homes we are building. This statistic shows that our state must take bold action now to avoid an even graver catastrophe.

Send a clear message to your legislator today urging them to support SB23-213.